Saturday 22 December 2012

Craig & Graham's Mad Parents

There was a time in December where it seemed to rain every day for weeks on end. The boys were so bored with staying indoors that Craig and Graham's mad parents thought that even taking them out in the rain seemed like a good idea.

So, after a short walk to Songshan Station, everyone got on a train headed for the east coast. Graham really likes trains and was quite happy for a short time.

But the boys were hungry and quickly ate the tiny snacks that had been brought along for the ride. Not long later both boys were hungry and starting to become irritable. Then, a liitle boy sitting opposite offered little pancake sandwiches. Craig and Graham loved them.

This is the little angel that saved the day.

So, after arriving at their destination of Fulong the first thing on the agenda was more food. The difficult part was finding somewhere to eat while it was raining and almost nothing was open. In the end convenience store food was considered the best of a bad bunch. After eating a little Craig took the next photo.

After lunch there was nothing else to do but walk around in the drizzle.

Graham really enjoyed splashing around in puddles.

And, the car park wasn't busy at all.

Craig had a good time too.

He put his soccer skills to use on a piece of fruit that had fallen from a tree.

Graham was curious about water flowing down into a drain.

While Craig got on a fence to watch water rushing down a tiny creek.

The way down to the beach was blocked off by construction work.

There was no way through.

So, they wandered off to have a waffle.

In terms of indoor seating, the Mr. Brown Coffee at Fulong is probably the smallest in the nation. Just two small tables with two seats each.

There's plenty of outdoor seating for those who don't mind sitting in the rain. :)

On the way back to the train station, this sign raised a smile.

Just outside the station, this photo was part of a collage meant to highlight the attractions of Fulong. This was as close as they came to the beach during the trip.

The trip was not an oustanding success. It was merely better than spending yet another day trapped indoors by rainy weather. Hopefully, the boys' mad parents will have a better idea the next time time rainy weather arrives on the weekend.

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