Saturday 20 October 2012

Trip to Hsinchu

Taiwan's High Speed Rail is a really nice way to travel, especially if a family of four only buys two tickets and then can sit on four seats because there's plenty of empty ones. fter the train ride, the boys enjoyed the open spaces at Hsinchu Station while waiting for a car to arrive to pick them up.

They were going to Mum's Friend Yating's home. Craig and Graham have been there before: earlier this year and in 2010,

There's plenty of toys to play with there.

Lunch was a crowded affair but everyone was happy.

Then Graham tried out the piano.

Graham became good friends with Yating's oldest child. She was very reliable and took good care of Graham all weekend.

There was a quick snack before going out to play.

This sand pit is in a school and the boys have been there before.

Craig is pretty good at climbing these days.

It was a perfect day to be outdoors.

Craig climbed back and forth on this thing several times.

The kids played together quite happily most of the time.

The adults could chat in peace while the kids kept themselves entertained.

After a while they moved over to a jungle gym.

Craig had a great time there.

There was plenty of stuff to climb on.

And he didn't stop climbing around for about half an hour.

Before leaving the school there was some fun on a skateboard-like contraption.

Not long before sunset everyone went for a walk around a nearby lake. Graham promptly fell asleep.

The next morning was filled with another walk. Graham decided he'd done enough walking and insisted on being carried almost all the way.

The weather was hot so cool drinks were needed.

Both boys like Yakult.

And it's no surprise that Yating's kids like it too.

It was good to get out of Taipei, even for a weekend.

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