Last Saturday Craig was so excited about having a football lesson that he insisted on leaving home as soon as he had finished breakfast. That meant he arrived at the park much too early. So, he had to play on a nearby jungle gym for at least half an hour before the other kids started to arrive.

Despite the nice weather only five students showed up.

Craig probably didn't need a warm up but the lesson is all good.

Sometimes Craig cares a bit too much about what Dad is doing and not enough about what the coach is telling him. (The lady in the background is the mum of one of Craig's classmates.)

Most of the little area where the lesson took place was dry despite plenty of recent rain. But, there was one very slippery mud patch that took the coach, Ian, by surprise.
It was hot enough that Ian worked up quite a sweat while keeping the boys moving.

He even briefly showed off some skills for the boys.

One of the drills involved taking turns at being goalkeeper. Craig has never been a goalkeeper before and wasn't sure what to do. The good thing was that the mum of the little boy with the ball got a chance to take a video of her boy scoring.

It was only Craig's second lesson so there's still a lot to learn....... like concentration.
When they played a little game where they had to run from one place to another and avoid getting hit by a ball, Craig was always the last to start running.

The lesson lasts for one hour. The last thing is a game between two teams but with just one goal. By the time the game started Craig just wasn't able to concentrate at all but he still had heaps of fun and definitely wants to go back again.
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