In the recent past, almost every weekend would feature a ride on Taipei MRT. If the ride was on the Wenhu Line, Craig would insist on riding right up the front of train.

The trains are controlled by operators in a central control room meaning there's no driver's compartment to spoil the view.

The main reason for taking the MRT is to allow Craig and Graham a bit of variety in the parks they can play in.

But, last week there was a big change. On Thursday, Graham had his last day with his babysitter. That was the end of an 18-month relationship. The sitter had taken care of Graham five days a week starting from when he was just one month old. The next day, Craig went off to kindy as usual in the morning.

It was the first time ever that Graham had the chance to go out with his parents as part of a threesome. He didn't like the bicycle seat at first and really didn't like the helmet but as soon as the bike started moving he seemed to forget all his problems.

From the lookout at Neihu Sports Park Craig and Graham's Mum managed to take a cool picture with a landing plane flying past in the background.

Graham really enjoyed the jungle gym in the sports park.

Graham's favourite game in any jungle gym is to press his face against the clear perspex bubbles. he thinks it is really funny!

It must be cool to look down down on things when you're only two feet tall.

Graham was allowed to keep playing for about half an hour. He had the whole jungle gym to himself.

After lunch Graham had fun at the little park not far from the Miramar that he has been to many times before.

He even tried out some exercises on this odd-looking device that is meant for sit-ups.

The next day, Craig had his last day at kindy. That was very emotional for Craig's teacher Yvonne who had taken such good care of him when he was in her class for a year and a half.

Craig received a lovely little soft toy dragon as a going away gift.
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