The next day saw the boys down at the beach for hours. Graham managed to get off the towel and play in the sand.

Craig played his usual game of filling up the bucket with sand so that "castles" could be built.
Craig also had some fun playing with the water.

And, Craig and his Dad went for a walk up to the far end of the beach. On the right of this photo, in the background, you can see the roof of their hotel. It's a big place.

After a deep hole had been dug as protection from the wind, Graham got in and started digging.

He seemed to have quite a good time.
Later in the day Craig insisted on going for a swim.

So, after Craig put floaties on his arms Dad took him out into water deep enough that the boy couldn't touch bottom. Craig got spun around and Dad even let him go so that he was floating by himself. The water wasn't cold but the wind was still very strong. Craig had to get wrapped up in a towel very quickly after he got out.

The boys then enjoyed a late-afternoon fruit snack back on the balcony.

The boys were still very hungry at dinner time.

Graham became a little excited and started making a mess so his mum had to feed him the last few mouthfuls. He normally prefers to feed himself these days.

Then, it was back to the hotel playroom for more fun.

Graham had some trouble making his little vehicle go forwards. Craig thought Graham was just backing up so they could start a race.

There's plenty of stuff for kids to play with in the playroom. It's all a bit under-used, actually.
Craig started getting bored and climbing up to places he shouldn't.

His Dad probably could have put the camera down and dragged him down but that would have spoiled the fun.

On the morning of the last day Dad took a silly photo of an advertising billboard. This young woman has been in this silly pose for all the years since Craig was a tiny baby and probably a few more before that.

Mum was also looking sexy down on the beach but Graham didn't care. He also wasn't interested in getting off the towel.

But Craig had fun. He even went for another quick swim but no photos were taken this time.

Craig didn't help pack, bouncing on the bed was much more fun.

Graham wasn't expected to help. At least he stayed out of the way while pretending to talk on the phone.

Business Class on the High Speed Rail was crowded for about half the trip home but when there was space, Craig was quick to grab a seat for himself.

Graham preferred to stay close to his parents. Everything is a telephone for Graham at the moment.

Taking a photo of yourself with a mobile phone camera is always difficult, isn't it?

After finally returning to Taipei, Graham waited at home with Dad .....

while Mum and Craig bought some very unhealthy deep fried food for dinner.
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