Around mid-March, it came to the attention of Craig and Graham's Dad that there were steep discounts being offered for accommodation at the family's favourite hotel in Kenting. So, a 3-night jaunt was quickly planned for the end of the month, just before the discounts ended.
Graham seemed to enjoy travelling Business Class on the High Speed Rail.

Craig was also happy, even if it doesn't show in this photo.

They had a break at Zuoying. After lunch, Graham simply wouldn't sit still. He had heaps of fun exploring in the department store next to the station.

The bus trip down to Kenting was so boring that Graham took a nap.

They didn't get down to the beach until 4:30.

Everyone was still wearing clothes that had kept them warm in Taipei.

But it was good to be on the beach away from the concrete jungle.

No one was in the water and the sun was on its way down to the horizon. The boys were quite happy just to hang out on the sand for a while.

Craig really enjoyed dinner because it included chips! Mum enjoyed dinner because she thought the waiter (not pictured) was very handsome.

The boys then had heaps of fun in the hotel's playroom.

The little playpen at home has these coloured balls but its much smaller than the one at the hotel.

The boys woke up early the next morning.

But they weren't in a rush to go anywhere.

They spent some time soaking up the view from the balcony.

Soon it was time for the beach.

Graham decided that he didn't want any sand getting on his feet.

Despite it being very windy, the little corner where they settled was well-protected.

Graham remained firm in his resolve to not leave the towel.

Craig had some fun with his usual game of building "castles".

Apart from the wind it was a beautiful day for the beach.
After a full day on the sand, the boys had a late afternooon snack back in the room.

Before enjoying the sunset from the balcony.

It was a nice peaceful place to be after a busy day.

Dinner was at a place that was recommended by friends. In fact, the friends even joined us for dinner but no photos were taken!! The food was good though.
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