Thursday was Craig's birthday. He's five now and making great progress through life. It's been great to see him learn how to express himself better and slowly accept that he's someone's big brother. He had a special birthday dinner at TGI Fridays with his Mum and Dad and seemed to appreciate being the center of their attention.

On the weekend he had the chance to get outdoors and go to the park near home. Craig now finds most slides to be great places for experimentation. Sliding down on his bum is way too boring.

On Saturday night, Craig and Graham had already had their bath and were ready for bed when Aunty Bess rang on Skype! It was a video call so Craig and Graham had a good chance to talk to their cousin Ishan.

Graham didn't say much but he was very interested in the goings on.

Craig didn't talk a lot either but he seemed to have a much better understanding of what was happening. It's always good to hear from the relatives.
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