Sometimes Craig's Dad reckons that he suffers from a lack of imagination. The result is that life can become a bit routine, even if the routine means comfortable things like brunch on Saturday at the same place more than once.

Craig doesn't seem to mind, however, so long as Craig's Mum has prepared paper to draw on and crayons to draw with.

Craig and Graham's Mum was happy that the little family were able to sit in their favourite seats. She likes the sofa seats. She was probably also pleased that Graham slept right through the meal.

After brunch, they took the now traditional walk through the department store rooftop playground and then on to the local school with the rope-climbing equipment that Craig likes so much.

Craig has a good time here every time. His Dad reckons he needs more exercise than he gets at kindy and whenever he's given something interesting to do Craig has plenty of energy.

The school, and the rest of the neighborhood, lives in the shadow of what used to be the tallest building in the world, Taipei 101.

After that long walk they went home for a short rest. Then, Craig and his Dad went for another walk through some local parks in the late afternoon. Craig did heaps more climbing and running around.

So, it was no surprise that he started asking for dinner at about 5pm.

Earlier this week Craig's parents received Craig's latest report card from kindy. His teachers say he's doing well. In the past his main problem, as far as his Dad can see, was shyness. But, Craig's teacher reckons he's starting to overcome that. Let's hope the teacher is right.
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