Craig and Graham's parents have been researching finding a new place to have brunch however they have had trouble finding somewhere suitable. Then, while looking around last Saturday they noticed a new N. Y. Bagels Cafe at the department store they visited. But, it was full when they arrived at around 9:30am Saturday this week and the young staff member on the door was a bit rude.
So, the long walk to L.A. Cafe was made again. No luck with getting the sofa this time so they sat outdoors. Graham insisted on being taken out of his stroller so he could look around.
Craig didn't like the first photo. He wanted a picture without Mum and Graham.
Graham was passed over to his Dad's side of the table for another photo. Some people behave like tourists even when they're near home.
Craig then said he deserved another close-up.
After a long boring rainy day at home, Craig watched Ice Age after having his pre-bedtime shower. It wasn't a lot of fun but things could be worse.

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