Graham is still drinking mother's milk and it seems to be doing him plenty of good. He's developing chubby little arms and legs but his chubby cheeks are the most obvious sign of weight gain. Recently, he has has some restless nights but slept a lot in the mornings to make up for it.

Craig has a slightly different schedule. He troops off to kindy at 8:20am and gets picked up by Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor at about 5pm. She very kindly feeds him, sometimes with the help of Craig's Taiwanese Grandma, and takes care of him until 6:30~7:00ish when his Mum gets home.
It's a long day away from his parents and during the week he doesn't see his Dad very much: just a few minutes before leaving in the morning and then about half an hour after Dad comes home from work.
So, Craig's Dad makes sure he spends plenty of time with Craig on the weekends. The recent hot weather has been perfect for Sunday mornings at the swimming pool. Craig and his Dad have lots of fun there. Last Saturday, Craig's Mum went out for dinner with her former computer programming classmates, leaving Craig's Dad to take the two boys to TGI Fridays for dinner. Craig was very well behaved while they were there, he can really be a joy to have around.

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