An absurdly large and unnecessarily complete history of two very cute boys growing up in Taipei, Taiwan.
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Afternoon At The Pool
Last weekend the weather was about as hot as it needs to be for no one to be in any doubt that it was summer. Craig and Graham's Dad issued an invitation to Uncle Amitha and Cousin Ishan to go to the local swimming pool at Yucheng Park.
Aunty Bess seemed to assume that she was also invited. So, she came along too. But, since she didn't have any swimwear it was just the four boys in the pool.
The first thing to be done was pose for some photos at the side nearest to where Aunty Bess could stand. Unfortunately, Craig and Ishan weren't always interested in the camera.
Then the intrepid paddlers moved back to where Craig could play on the slide. The pool management slides the frilly plastic stuff overhead whenever the sun becomes strong so it's pretty much impossible to get sunburned.
This picture also gives an idea of the little 4-foot deep "river" that runs around the kids pool. (That's it in the foreground.) Just one weekend earlier, Craig's Dad managed to get Craig to go in the river wearing his fabulous floating swimming suit and floaties (water wings for our North American friends). Because of the flotation equipment, Craig's feet miss the bottom of the "river" by about a foot but he had a great time in there just floating along with the current. It's been really good to see him gain some confidence about going in the water and not caring so much if a tiny bit of water splashes onto his face.
Craig really loves this slide and can play on it for ages.
Aunty Bess took a long video of the fun and games.
She took a shorter video of Ishan and Amitha as well.
The boys were having so much fun that Aunty Bess went off and bought a new swimsuit so that she could join in!!! Then, she was in the pool and Uncle Amitha had the camera.
Craig still wasn't interested in the camera. You can see him in the background going up the stairs to play on the slide for the 998th time.
Uncle Amitha takes photos at a rate of about 1,000 per minute. The subjects didn't have to pose for long before there was plenty of pictures. Thankfully, Craig joined in to provide a change in the scenery.
Ishan was very good at taking off his swimming cap. It had to be put back on every few minutes.
Craig distracted Ishan by giving him a big, wet kiss.
Craig was quite determined to be very friendly.
Ishan had no trouble falling asleep on to the MRT during the return trip.
The trip home was interrupted by a stop for coffee and waffles at a cafe next to the MRT station. The table immediately behind Craig was filled with young women who seemed to be taking his photo on their mobile phones every few minutes. Craig preferred to concentrate on his waffle.
Just before they left the cafe, Uncle Amitha attempted to give Craig some practice at carrying Cousin Ishan on his shoulders.
Craig never actually took the weight on his shoulders but he didn't run away either. He seemed to think it was fun game.
After one last attempt, it was finally time to head home to see if Craig and Graham's Mum had fixed her computer.
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