Early this week, the doorbell was rung by a postman who wanted to deliver a package. It was a box containing two gifts from far away Australia; Canberra to be precise.
One gift was for Craig. Aunty Anne had been very thoughtful in providing the gift so Craig's Dad thought it would be best if the boy was allowed to open it himself.

The gift is a spelling game. Craig liked the fact that it playes music. He kept pressing the button to play the A-B-C-D song over and over again.

The best place to keep the game is on a fridge. All of its components are magnetic and stick very well. Fortunately, the living room has a little bar fridge that it fits on perfectly.

The other package had clothes for Graham! He is now one of the best-dressed babies in the whole wide world. New clothes have been provided by Aunty Suprana, and secondhand clothes by Graham's Dad's co-workers and others. But no one has provided anything as distinctly Aussie as this little outfit. Aunty Anne must be a genius. Kangaroos and koalas singing, "Gum leaves keep falling on my head."
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