Believe it or not, this is a picture of a sick boy. Craig had been coughing for a few days but his Dad thought it would just get better naturally. That did not happen and by the weekend his cough was pretty serious.

On the way to the doctor's office Craig stopped at a park he has visited many times before. It was different this time because it had a brand new jungle gym.

Craig wasn't happy about seeing the doctor but he played quietly in the waiting room. He knows the drill very well.

After the trauma of the doctor's visit, Craig needed some care and attention. At lunchtime, he reaquainted himself with Aunty Suprana while munching on his favourite fruit, mangoes. This time he sat still long enough for a better picture to be taken.

After lunch Craig's Dad took Craig to the park nearest home. Craig's Dad thought that running around in the warm weather would help Craig get rid of some of the phlegm on his chest. The idea was not really put to the test however because a thunderstorm came and chased them back inside.

Craig was very bored at home and tried to jump up and down on the sofa in between Craig's Mum and Aunty Bess while they were chatting.

So, Craig and his Dad went shopping. On the return trip Craig made sure that the yoghurt got home. He didn't want it to get lost on the way.
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