Graham was taken back to hospital on the day he turned one month old to receive a vaccination. Before being jabbed with the ridiculously large needle, Graham was weighed and measured.
At birth Graham weighed 2.7 kg which was a bit small compared to his brother Craig who was 3.2 kg. But, Graham has caught up fast. After one month Graham is now 4.4 kg and looking distinctly chubby. He is just a tiny bit heavier than his brother at the same stage who was 4.3 kg.
They both still have plenty of growing to do and hopefully next time Graham gets measured his Dad will remember to compare his statistics to other kids in Taiwan.
An absurdly large and unnecessarily complete history of two very cute boys growing up in Taipei, Taiwan.
Friday, 30 July 2010
Gifts From Afar
Early this week, the doorbell was rung by a postman who wanted to deliver a package. It was a box containing two gifts from far away Australia; Canberra to be precise.
One gift was for Craig. Aunty Anne had been very thoughtful in providing the gift so Craig's Dad thought it would be best if the boy was allowed to open it himself.
The gift is a spelling game. Craig liked the fact that it playes music. He kept pressing the button to play the A-B-C-D song over and over again.
The best place to keep the game is on a fridge. All of its components are magnetic and stick very well. Fortunately, the living room has a little bar fridge that it fits on perfectly.
The other package had clothes for Graham! He is now one of the best-dressed babies in the whole wide world. New clothes have been provided by Aunty Suprana, and secondhand clothes by Graham's Dad's co-workers and others. But no one has provided anything as distinctly Aussie as this little outfit. Aunty Anne must be a genius. Kangaroos and koalas singing, "Gum leaves keep falling on my head."
One gift was for Craig. Aunty Anne had been very thoughtful in providing the gift so Craig's Dad thought it would be best if the boy was allowed to open it himself.

Friday, 23 July 2010
A Day At The Beach
Graham had his first ever overnight trip away from home last Thursday. Craig and Graham's parents borrowed a car from Great Aunt From the Fifth Floor to drive up to Bai Sha Wan. They had found a relatively new place to stay that was right on the beach.
The first thing done after arriving was to install Graham on one of the beds. The Ocean Blue Inn has four rooms but on that particular day only one was rented out.
The view of the beach from the balcony was unbeatable.
After unpacking, lunch was had at the usual cafe. Craig and Graham's Dad had his usual mango smoothie (not pictured.) It really is very good.
Not long after lunch it was time for Craig and his Dad to head down to the beach. They didn't do anything special, just dug holes in the sand and messed around together. (By the way, the time mark on the photos cannot be trusted.)
Craig really enjoys digging sand up with his tiny spade and putting it in his bucket. He can do this for hours. Because they arrived at low tide, the beach was very flat and perfect for messing about on the edge of the water.
On this particular day, Craig was surrounded by a large group of university students. First, a bunch of girls came over to tell him how cute they thought he was and then a few boys followed the girls.
Craig was included in the game where one girl was buried under some sand. He also had fun in the water splashing some of the girls at the boys' request but there's no pictures of that game.
The best part about the afternoon at the beach was that it was by far the best bit of father-son time that Craig and his Dad have had for a very long time. It really was heaps of fun.
After a quick shower to wash off the salt Craig was very bored in the room. So, he and his Dad went for a walk. They walked along the coast and stopped breifly at a tourist sign that points out Taiwan's northernmost point that can be seen in the background.
Craig was very keen to help push the pram when Craig's Mum and Graham came out to join in the walk.
When they stopped for dinner directly downstairs from the bed & breakfast place they were staying in, the sunset was at its best. It was a lovely backdrop to the end of a really good day.
The first thing done after arriving was to install Graham on one of the beds. The Ocean Blue Inn has four rooms but on that particular day only one was rented out.

The best part about the afternoon at the beach was that it was by far the best bit of father-son time that Craig and his Dad have had for a very long time. It really was heaps of fun.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010
It's Good To Have Family
Graham has been continuing to do all the things that good little babies do. He's been sleeping a lot, mostly during the daytime so that he can keep his Mum awake at night, and eating plenty. He has become much chubbier since birth.
Meanwhile, Craig is continuing to get used to being a big brother. He's having some difficulty learning to be gentle but he's become very good at telling his parents, "Graham's crying" whenever his little brother has a complaint. On Saturday, Craig had lunch downstairs on the second floor with his relatives.
Aunty Bess was there with Craig and Graham's Cousin Ishan. Ishan loves mealtimes. He spreads food around better than anyone.
And, Ishan is very popular with his cousins like Soit-Jade.
Soit-Jade's dad Uncle Guapo volunteered for the job of feeding after-lunch mango to Craig. That's a job that only finishes when all of the mango has been eaten.
Graham woke up long enough to come out and talk to everyone in the lving room.
But fell asleep again pretty quickly.
In the afternoon, Craig went out with the older children, uncles and aunties. Graham was put in his pram for a shopping trip.
Dinner was also eaten on the second floor. Ishan seems to like bananas but he needs a bit of help. Having just one tooth is probably the main reason.
Meanwhile, Craig followed up dinner with some more extravagant mango eating. The boy's sweat probably smelled of mango for days he ate so much of the stuff.
Uncle Guapo is good to have around when there is a crowd of kids. He's really good at playing games that they like even if that means all the kids climb on him.
Craig even started jumping up on top of the sofa. Aunty Suprana had to make sure he didn't jump on his cousin Yu-chi.
Meanwhile, Ishan was just hanging out and being good-looking.
Sunday lunch was ...... cheap. But, Ishan didn't seem to mind. ;>
It was a very family-oriented weekend. The only other photo available was this one taken by Craig and Graham's Aunty Bess. Craig's becoming a handsome little bloke, dontcha think?

Sunday, 11 July 2010
Craig Goes to the Doctor
Believe it or not, this is a picture of a sick boy. Craig had been coughing for a few days but his Dad thought it would just get better naturally. That did not happen and by the weekend his cough was pretty serious.
On the way to the doctor's office Craig stopped at a park he has visited many times before. It was different this time because it had a brand new jungle gym.
Craig wasn't happy about seeing the doctor but he played quietly in the waiting room. He knows the drill very well.
After the trauma of the doctor's visit, Craig needed some care and attention. At lunchtime, he reaquainted himself with Aunty Suprana while munching on his favourite fruit, mangoes. This time he sat still long enough for a better picture to be taken.
After lunch Craig's Dad took Craig to the park nearest home. Craig's Dad thought that running around in the warm weather would help Craig get rid of some of the phlegm on his chest. The idea was not really put to the test however because a thunderstorm came and chased them back inside.
Craig was very bored at home and tried to jump up and down on the sofa in between Craig's Mum and Aunty Bess while they were chatting.
So, Craig and his Dad went shopping. On the return trip Craig made sure that the yoghurt got home. He didn't want it to get lost on the way.

The Week That Was
The last week wasn't especially busy but there seemed to be plenty to do every day. One small thing that happened was Craig agreeing to pose for a picture with his Dad and little brother. It was a bit of a first. Craig is still getting used to being someone's older brother.
Graham's not very good at sitting by himself yet.
He's been doing what most babies do best, sleeping and growing. He's noticeably chubbier since coming home. Mother's milk obviously agrees with him.
On Thursday night Craig and Graham's Mum was allowed out of the flat. She walked all of about 100 meters to the local steak restaurant. Graham slept in his pram beside her while she ate.
Craig and Graham's Aunty Bess and Cousin Ishan were also part of the party. Ishan had a good time but then, Ishan has a good time wherever he goes. He's a very happy character.
Craig sat beside his Dad. He helped eat Dad's steak and devoured plenty of chips. He's starting to develop a very healthy appetite.
There were healthy appetites at the other table as well, as Craig and Graham's Taiwanese Grandma had a night off from cooking.

Sunday, 4 July 2010
Fish Head Soup Returns
It was many years ago that Craig and Graham's Mum was fed huge amounts of fish head soup as part of Craig and Graham's Taiwanese Grandma's plan to look after the boys' mum.
While Mum was munching away on the soup Graham had a quiet time with his Dad. This was the first time that Graham had fallen asleep on his Dad's lap. It probably won't be the last.

Aunty Suprana Arrives
Craig and Graham's Aunty Suprana arrived from sunny England last week. Her main job will be to entertain Craig while Craig and Graham's Dad is at work. To that end, she arrived carrying an excellent gift for Craig.
Craig likes the toy a lot.
Aunty Suprana is reading the Da Vinci Code in English and Chinese! Pretty clever, eh?
She doesn't get much reading done when Craig is around.

Aunty Suprana is reading the Da Vinci Code in English and Chinese! Pretty clever, eh?

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