On one of the few days with decent weather, the boys were taken for a tour of the parks in Neihu again. This is probably Graham's favourite jungle gym and Craig liked it a lot when he was small too.

Ishan and Aunty Bess came along as well. Ishan seemed to be going through a flower child phase.

Craig didn't like all the attention being given to someone else and needed to have the camera aimed at him before he would calm down.

There was also some after-lunch wrestling on the floor of the fast-food eatery.

Craig has continued going to football lessons. He likes the lessons but is still getting used to the idea of teams playing against each other.

The turnout at the last few lessons has been much better. Eight or nine kids makes it more fun for everyone.

Even when Craig is wearing the same colour bib as other kids he doesn't really know why....

Aunty Bess and Ishan have spent plenty of time catching up with the extended family.

There was a special lunch to mark the 75th birthday of Craig and Graham's Taiwanese Grandma.

Craig really enjoyed the birthday cake.

After lunch, the Four Siblings, also known as Aunty Suprana, Uncle Guapo, Mum and Aunty Bess, took the children to a nearby park. While most of the adults chatted happily the kids played just as happily.

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