As usual the weather in Taipei for Chinese New Year was awful. Graham and his Dad often slept in together before having a late breakfast.

On New Year's Eve there was dinner downstairs with the relatives. That meant four little kids running around like mad things.

Craig was very mean to his Uncle Guapo. Craig threw all the pillows and bedclothes on a spare bed onto his uncle while laughing madly.

Fortunately, Uncle Guapo is very good about being abused in the name of fun.

Craig really had a good time.

The next night there was dinner plus more fun and games in the big house in the hills above Neihu.

While Graham played with his two cousins, Soit-Jade and Yu-chi, Craig was upstairs playing mini air hockey against Mum.

There was more of the fun with Uncle Guapo.

This time it was mostly jumping on the bed.

The adults also took over the mini air hockey.

Craig and Graham seemed to like having some new toys to play with.

Graham had plenty of fun with some over-sized blocks,

But the thing he liked the most was the little electric keyboard.

Despite the very cold weather, Graham didn't want to wear his socks. So, his tiny grey socks would keep showing up beside the keyboard or other strange places no matter how often his parents put them back on.

Craig liked the keyboard too but neither of the boys can play a tune yet.
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