Craig had a tough start to last weekend. After going downstairs to the breakfast shop and eating his favourite breakfast of soy bean milk and omelette he very quickly began to feel ill. Almost as soon as he got back home breakfast finished up all over the kitchen floor.

Meanwhile, Graham slept most of Saturday morning after keeping his mum awake most of the night.

He looks sweet when he's asleep but his Mum and Dad decided that a change of schedule is definitely needed. Over the past week, Graham has stayed awake from 1am to around 6am almost every day. It is just lucky that his Dad doesn't have to work until after midday so he and Graham can sleep every morning.

Meanwhile, after eating lunch, Craig went shopping with Dad. At this stage, no one had worked out what went wrong with breakfast. Not long after they returned home, Craig threw up his lunch and it was clear that he needed to see a doctor.

After seeing the doctor at 5pm, Craig had to take medicine before being allowed to eat anything. It was no wonder that he simply ran out of energy and needed to sleep around 7pm.

After waking up from his unscheduled nap, Craig was not as energetic as usual. But, he could still enjoy watching Finding Nemo. He hasn't watched it for months and it seemed to cheer him up.

On Sunday morning, Craig and Graham's Mum needed to go to a
big bookstore not far from home to buy some computer books. She's trying to learn as much as she can while working at her current job. It's tough being a superwoman. ;)

Unfortunately, before they went to bookstore they had lunch and while they eating lunch it rained. So, the original plan to take Craig out to play while Mum was in the bookstore had to change. The slides and jungle gym at the nearby department store rooftop were simply too wet to play on. It was pretty typical of a disappointing weekend all round for poor Craig.
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