Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Halloween Again

Craig's kindy had its once-a-year Halloween party on Tuesday. As usual many of the parents put a lot of effort into their children's costumes.

Meanwhile, some parents tried hard to win the "Recycling" prize for the most environmentally friendly costume.

In Craig's Dad's opinion, the best costumes were those that combined off-the-shelf look-a-like stuff with individual touches. The little bloke in the following picture had a vest and breeches purchased at a nearby supermarket. But his mum had found a really good looking hat and drew an excellent moustache and goatie to make him look like a real cowboy.

Craig was the last one in class to take to the stage. Other children walked to the front with the simplest of instructions.

But Craig needed to be pushed firmly in the right direction. He's still very shy and doesn't enjoy being the center of attention.

He only took a couple of steps after the first push so the MC had to move forward and push him again.

Eventually Craig moved to the front of the stage. His mask was never pulled down over his face for some unknown reason, maybe next year.

The biggest and most amazing costume was a police car made of four separate pieces. Two side pieces joined together at the front and back. There was a also headpiece and then a huge piece that made up the body of the car that can be seen in the background here. It must have taken hours of effort to make and was only onstage for a few minutes. Amazing!

Unfortunately, bad weather forced the cancellation of trick-or-treating. So, Craig will have to wait for next year.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Almost Routine

Last Saturday morning saw a return to L.A. Cafe for yet another brunch. The best part was that the one and only table with sofas was free! Woohoo! So, Craig could sit with his Dad while Mum read the newspaper. And, the sexy waitress snuck into the background of this photo unexpectedly, pretty cool huh?

While Craig waited for his food he practised his drawing. He's become good at drawing circles around things. A full page advertisement on the back of the newspaper came in handy for practice.

After brunch it was off to the department store rooftop playground again.

This time, Craig enjoyed himself more than the last time.

But, it was soon time to move on to the same school. After sleeping through brunch, Graham remained patient in his stroller while Craig played.

Craig was just happy to have something more challenging to climb on.

He really likes this rope tunnel.

And this little doer makes him happy too but he's not brave enough to climb over the top and then down the other side yet.

Meanwhile, Graham had become bored in the stroller. Close attention from Mum is always popular and improved his mood on this occasion.

Sunday lunch was had downstairs on the second floor.

After lunch, Craig stayed still long enough to have his picture taken with Graham. That doesn't happen often.

Amazingly enough Craig stayed long enough for a second photo. There's probably no need for two photos like this on the blog but because Graham appears to be punching his brother in this one, their Dad couldn't leave it out. ;)

Monday, 11 October 2010

Mum's Weekend Without Work

Ever since re-entering the workforce a couple of months ago it seemed like Craig's Mum has had work to do every weekend. Last weekend was the first time for a long time that she could just enjoy her free time. The first thing done on Saturday morning was brunch at L.A. Cafe (no pictures). Then, it was time to go for a walk with Craig helping to push Graham's pram.

The rooftop jungle gym was the same as ever. Craig played there quite happily for a while but the jungle gym is for smaller kids and Craig is becoming a big boy now. He'll soon turn four! While he was standing around looking at the little rocking train that is beside the jungle gym Craig's parents decided he should go for a ride. He wanted his Mum to go with him.

It's not a long ride, just a couple of minutes and Craig has never become very excited when he's on it. This time was no exception.

Inside the department store, next to the incredibly expensive childrens clothing is a little space where people can sit and watch their kids draw on little blackboards. It's just outside of a classroom that Craig's Dad has never taken any notice of......... most of the classes seem to be about parenting.

When it was time to move on they went to a nearby school that had some more challenging stuff for Craig to do. He seemed to like the increased degree of difficulty. The department store slides are too small for him now.

Craig seemed to really like the school's more difficult climbing equipment. It was very quiet inside the school and that was also a pleasant change after all the noise in and around the department store.

Craig's Dad tried to teach Craig to hold the rope and lean back while walking up this little doer but Craig preferred to use his own method.

On the way down the rope once again became mere decoration.

The school was a perfect place for Craig's parents to sit somewhere quiet and watch the boy play but there was a lack of playmates for Craig.

At a park right next to the school was another jungle gym and a very friendly little girl. As soon as she saw Craig she followed him everywhere. Then, much to the embarrassment of her mother, the little girl insisted on giving Craig a hug. Craig responded by messing up her hair. After that, every time they slid down the two slides they would hug again.

After all that running around, Craig relaxed in the evening with a movie.

The next photo contains all the important elements of what it takes to make a fussy almost 4-year-old boy happy. In addition to the actual breakfast composed of Craig's favourite omolette and soybean milk there must also be a mobile phone that is playing music, paper for drawing plus the red crayon normally used for writing down customer orders, and last but least, the empty creamer sachet that contained the creamer that was put into Craig's Dad's coffee. When all of these things are present and accounted for Craig will eat his breakfast happily.

After breakfast on Sunday it was decided that a trip to Danshui would be a good idea. The trip was uneventful with Craig happy to sit on his Mum's lap.

After arriving in Danshui they stopped for lunch at a cafe that had outdoor seats. Craig's Dad is a bit sorry that he didn't get a picture of the group of teenage girls that simply had to take turns at having their photo taken with Craig. It was really quite mad!

It had been cool and cloudy back at home but after crossing the river on a ferry to Bali it was hot and sunny. It was a good thing Craig wore a broad-brimmed hat.

Craig saw some bigger kids doing some tricks on a horizontal bar so he tried to do the same and pull his feet up onto the bar. Unfortunately, his toes never seemed to be far from the ground.

Perhaps Craig's Dad should have helped or provided instruction rather than standing around taking photos.

So, the little family sat on the grass beside the river to enjoy the nice cool breeze.

But there wasn't much to do except take pictures of each other while looking at the view. The lack of shade annoyed Craig's Dad a bit as well. No shade in parks and public areas is a common problem in Taiwan.

So, not long later it was back on the ferry for the trip home. Craig's Dad saw some kids having great fun trying to catch little fish. This is a common scene in taiwan especially in night markets but Craig's parents don't go to night markets much so Craig had never tried it before. He had some trouble to begin with but he persisted long enough to catch one fish without any help whatsoever. That was pretty cool.

The view from Danshui MRT Station platform in the late afternoon is often quite nice.

A small side note: After returing home, dinner on Sunday night was at TGI Fridays for the umpteenth time. However, for the very first time Craig's Dad checked out how much the cost of the meal for three would be if converted to Aussie dollars. At this time, when the exchange rate is NT$30.1 to AUD$1, the bill for just over NT$1,300 worked out to AUD$42.88.That looks pretty cheap for dinner for three.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Craig's Weekend to Forget

Craig had a tough start to last weekend. After going downstairs to the breakfast shop and eating his favourite breakfast of soy bean milk and omelette he very quickly began to feel ill. Almost as soon as he got back home breakfast finished up all over the kitchen floor.

Meanwhile, Graham slept most of Saturday morning after keeping his mum awake most of the night.

He looks sweet when he's asleep but his Mum and Dad decided that a change of schedule is definitely needed. Over the past week, Graham has stayed awake from 1am to around 6am almost every day. It is just lucky that his Dad doesn't have to work until after midday so he and Graham can sleep every morning.

Meanwhile, after eating lunch, Craig went shopping with Dad. At this stage, no one had worked out what went wrong with breakfast. Not long after they returned home, Craig threw up his lunch and it was clear that he needed to see a doctor.

After seeing the doctor at 5pm, Craig had to take medicine before being allowed to eat anything. It was no wonder that he simply ran out of energy and needed to sleep around 7pm.

After waking up from his unscheduled nap, Craig was not as energetic as usual. But, he could still enjoy watching Finding Nemo. He hasn't watched it for months and it seemed to cheer him up.

On Sunday morning, Craig and Graham's Mum needed to go to a big bookstore not far from home to buy some computer books. She's trying to learn as much as she can while working at her current job. It's tough being a superwoman. ;)

Unfortunately, before they went to bookstore they had lunch and while they eating lunch it rained. So, the original plan to take Craig out to play while Mum was in the bookstore had to change. The slides and jungle gym at the nearby department store rooftop were simply too wet to play on. It was pretty typical of a disappointing weekend all round for poor Craig.