It was cold and wet outside on Christmas Day. Everyone slept in but eventually Craig woke everyone up around 9am so that he could open his presents.

The first present that Craig opened was a scooter.

Before playing with the scooter Craig thought it was more important to open his other present.

It was soft toy monkey. Craig liked it so much he hung it around his neck straight away.

He also tried out the scooter but Craig's Dad didn't manage to get any good pictures.

Craig's Mum only had one present to open.

Two denim jackets. Craig already has a denim jacket so now they can go out looking like mother and son.

Craig then very helpfully opened Graham's present. It's a new toy that Graham's parents hope will keep the baby boy occupied sometimes.

It worked a treat the first time that Graham tried it out. He played with it very happily for 10 minutes and then demanded something new, not bad for a baby.

Graham has finally started to eat something other than mother's milk. Craig's Mum boiled up some sweet potato especially for him. He didn't eat as much as the amount that got left on his face but it was a start.

Despite gentle rain, the family went out in the afternoon. Craig's Dad wanted to see an exhibition at the
Huashan Culture Park. But, the exhibition was so crowded that the staff at the door said Graham's stroller could not be taken inside. Instead, coffee and cake was had at a lovely cafe near the entrance of the park. Craig shared his Mum's drink.

And he really enjoyed his waffle.